Chocolate Caramel Rice Crispy Treats
I did make a conscious decision to write some easier recipes to post. Its all very well and good to show off, but at the end of the day you want to create something people can re-create! That’s the beauty of cooking - I guess very different from other types of art.
The recipe is awesome in that it doesn’t use a stove, takes 5-10 minutes to prepare, and uses whole packages of ingredients. It also showcases the delicious flavor of Divine Chocolate’s 100% cocoa bars. I like using bitter chocolate in this recipe because it balances the super-sweet caramel.
Cut them into bars and cling wrap individually to grab out of the fridge whenever you need a gluten-free chocolaty snack.
Prep time: 10 mins
Serves: Approximately 30 snack-sized bars
Degree of difficulty: Ridiculously easy
1 bag of mini marshmallows (10 w oz) (they melt more quickly)
1 stick of salted butter (4 w oz) (keep the wrapper to grease your baking pans)
1 can of dulce de leche (find it with the Mexican food)
1 box of puffed rice cereal (12 w oz)
Put the marshmallows and the stick of butter into a large, plastic, microwave safe container. Microwave on high for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. They will puff up and look awesome!
Take out the microwave and mix with a spatula.
Add the chocolate, broken up into the tiniest pieces you can make, and the can of dulce de leche.
Put back into the microwave and cook in 1 minute increments until the mix is smooth and there are no marshmallow pieces left. Stir really well between each cook.
Pour the rice crispies into the biggest bowl/container you have. It should hold the rice crispies and also give you space to mix.
Pour your melted sauce over the rice crispies and begin mixing! Mix, mix, mix, until all the rice crispies are coated.
Transfer to 2 greased baking pans (I used two 12 x 12 inch pans) you can use any pan you like that gives you about an inch and a half of treat - this is enough to hold its shape.
Use your spatula to push down the mix, flatten it and spread it into the corners until it is smooth and even. It will begin to set and harden as you do this which makes it easier.
Place in the fridge to set for a minimum of an hour.
When set, use a knife to portion into bars and enjoy!
Ingredient gathering
Step 7 and 8: press down to a 1.5 inch thickness in your pan