Oh it's October! Better do a Halloween post..
I haven’t lived here that long… I didn’t grow up with all the associations of Fall: the end of a long hot summer, back to school and friends, cool autumnal weather, warm apple cider, Halloween and the pumpkin spice vibe. To us Saffas, Halloween exists... but mostly in grocery stores, the way Valentine’s day does. I mean, we may have carved a few pumpkins, but the only reason Halloween was ever a thing at our house is, because my Mom happens to be born on All Hallow’s Eve. Yup, as she likes to tell everyone, she’s a witch! Right down to the actually-to-goodness-exists wart on her nose!
People who like pumpkin spice better than I do.
Little did I know what was waiting for us in America during the month of October! (and half way through September in most grocery stores): So much candy - and kid’s with high standards of what is good enough. Last year, I bought Hershey’s Kisses and got told we couldn’t give them out because they weren’t sealed. “There are creepers out there who put drugs in candy”. Are you serious? Can’t believe that could be true! And people dress up - crazy dress up, both you and your pets, with a very high bar of clever puns, or high investment attire. Dylan and I have been told more than once that we can only get away with the outfits we cobbled together from things around the house because we are South African. I’m not sure what that means, but I think its an insult to my ingenuity, hehe. Its a damn cultural minefield! I we ever stick out as foreigners, it’s at this time of year!
Seems legit, this pumpkin thing.
And I have yet to unveil my biggest cultural faux pas: that I despise pumpkin spice. Before someone smothers me with a cinnamon-scented pillow, let me explain: Its not that I dislike the taste, its fine, but do you have to put those exact spices in everything pumpkin? Its such a great vegetable, why does it always have to be sweet? And why, why, why, is there pumpkin spiced everything? Let’s just keep it to the stuff that makes sense - Why pumpkin beer, pumpkin candles, pumpkin toilet spray, there are even pumpkin spiced throat lozenges (Ricolas) for pete’s sake. Can you even? I don’t even think it is ironic for most people.
My expert social physiological assumption is this - all of this is really just associations with the beginning of the holiday period. Summer is over and the time for friends, family gatherings and food begins; being inside and warm etc. etc. Halloween and everything associated with it, is the beginning of this period. First Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then the slow cozy decline into Christmas. That’s what all the fuss is about. Which makes drinking pumpkin spice lattes have the same significance as slipping your feet out of your shoes, wiggling them in some soft tropical sand and switching off your cellphone when you go on vacation. This is my theory anyway!
Despite my little rant above, I think you can probably tell I’ve decided to embrace it! My friend Malorie is all about pumpkin spice, the Yin to my Yang. And Dyl and I started to create traditions like hanging out and eating sloppy joes with our neighbors, Matt & Julie, even though they aren’t our neighbors any more. The festive vibe is infectious and it even got me inspired to carve pumpkins with Malorie. I have heard that roasted spiced pumpkin seeds make mean munchies so I gave that a bash too..
Pumpkin guts and kitty feet.
I didn’t quite succumb to the pumpkin spice flavor, but gave it a little nod with some Portuguese style roasted pumpkin seeds with paprika, cyan pepper and cinnamon, tossed delightfully in butter and garlic before a nice low ‘n slow roast. The result was quite addictive, although you definitely got your day’s worth of roughage! Give them a try and let me know what you think! Find the recipe here.
Happy Halloween month and a half folks! Enjoy it before the Christmas music comes in on November 1st ;)
Warm crispy goodness.